First Hanukkah… Wow I feel like It’s time I start taking holidays seriously, I mean I’m a mom now and I need to be a role model right? Where do I even begin..

My whole life I’ve been a sucker for holidays, I just LOVE everything about them! But over the years becoming an adult, being busy with life you just skip the holidays sometimes without doing anything fancy.

It’s not that I didn’t want to make a big deal out of the holidays but when It was just my hubby and I it seems sometimes silly to start taking the Hanukkiah out and start lighting the candles when we might leave the house after or go to sleep early..

But mainly for me, lighting the candles is something I would do with my grandparents in Jerusalem and then after singing all the songs we new the beginning’s of, making up the rest of the songs and feeling the holiday together.

I won’t say that I didn’t try singing with my hubby when it was just the two of us lighting the candles and I must say he is pretty awesome for joining along butย the feeling of a big family celebrating together was missing.

I told myself that once we become parents we should try to bring back the fun feeling of the holidays and celebrate them!

Well, now I’m a mom and my son is 10 months old which means he is not quite at the age to remember anything we will do this holiday but at least it was good enough of an excuse for me to put some Hanukkah decorations up and gave me the desire to create my Sufgania Pattern ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s play size and should go great with my Dreidel Pattern ๐Ÿ™‚

Sufgania Pattern by Sahrit sufgania-1

Dreidel Chocolate coins Pattern by Sahrit

Dreidel Chocolate coins Pattern by Sahrit

I also plan to light the Hanukkiah for each of the eight nights and hope this is a new beginning for me as well to relight the holidays I love oh so much ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Holidays!

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