CD aka Cloth Diapers have been something I’ve been dabbling about for quite a while on and off. Before Baby E was born my hubby and I were looking into it since we thought it would be a great addition in our journey of becoming more earth friendly humans ๐Ÿ™‚

We started to watch a few YouTube videos on how to wash CD’s and were a bit overwhelmed by how much laundry it takes and we started to ask ourselves how does this help the earth if we are using so much water??. Looking back now I realize that the videos we watched were of newborns mainly and the lady was washing over 19 diapers a day so she had washed a lot!

With having been pretty overwhelmed by postpartum and the whole life changing becoming a mom thing, I was not in a place to continue my CD research just yet and Disposables it was!

One glorious morning I decide to start going to a Mom-Me Connection group where I got to meet lots of new mommies like myself and adorable babies that E can play with! This group has been my sanity savior. Just knowing you are not the only one going through these different emotions is one thing but also its a chance to talk everything exciting BABY!

One of the weeks I went I noticed the cutest Bloomers on one of the babies and was loving the FABRIC print! Her mom was telling me that they are not bloomers but a Cloth Diaper and I was like wait what?!

After telling her what made me drop the idea of CD’s she gave me new hope by telling me “Oh yea, I only started CD’s when there was solid poop” (pardon my French) so it’s way easier to clean and I wash about every 2-3 days, and I was like hmmmmm that’s brilliant! I could do that! Also the older they are it is much less diaper changing throughout the day!

Talking to a couple more moms that said they also CD I gained more confidence to try thinking about this again since It’s always easier trying something new when you see it happen around you.

Baby E has just started eating Solid food and I started to get serious about my CD research. Let me tell you. I’m still confused by all the different kinds of CD’s out there but step by step I understand more! This fb page offers help on anything CD related and is just awesome! Look up on fb: Fluff Love & CD Science

Between checking and asking about different kinds of CD’s out there I was eyeing for a while the CD kits at JoAnn Fabrics. I sure spent a good couple hours figuring out all the accessories I needed to create one Diaper and kept adding on to my shopping cart: Elastic, FOE (Fold Over Elastic), the outside fabric, the inner fabric, the inserts, the thread color, the snaps and Pliers and oh look there is this cute appliquรฉ ๐Ÿ™‚ And of course I have no idea what I’m doing so I grabbed the pattern as well! I was ready for my experiment! Haha

After discovering I didn’t have enough elastic for the turnover and topstitch version I went ahead and started the FOE Diaper. I got confused in the pattern and so it took me a while to finish it. I managed to poke my self in the hand with the awl trying to put the snaps in, following the pattern piece I put way too many holes in the fabric later to realize it was just a suggestion where to put some of the snaps but since I made holes I knew I have to seal them so pee won’t escape the diaper ๐Ÿ™‚ Therefor used up all my snaps on one diaper haha

My zigzag stitching was all wonky and not even at all haha while trying to figure out how much to stretch the elastic as I sew. The final project came out cute but I don’t know how much I rely on the leg holes to hold. See pic below for first Diaper attempt.

Once my Elastic arrived in the mail (yay amazon prime) I was ready for my second attempt! Let me say I love it sooooooooooo much more!!! You’ll notice how the zigzagging looks way more even.

Pics below:

Fabric before steaming.

Pocket Diaper look from above open

Pocket Diaper look from above outside

Diaper closed back view

Diaper closed front view

sahrit Cloth Diaper
So to sum it I would say I’m still at the beginning of my CD journey, Baby E still doesn’t have solid poop (sorry for the tmi) so I’m not starting yet, and the different adorable Print options Is what got me hooked!

Feel free to comment, ask or advise me with more CD info! Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ™‚

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